Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So...Whats in a name...apparently..LOTS

SO... whether you've paid MUCH attention to all that's going on in the news or not, chances are that you've heard a little something about Coach Sandusky and the allegations of sexual molestation that  have been brought against him.

Normally, I don't have much to say when it comes to chiming in on whatever major scandal has captured the attention of the nation for a moment. I lived in Orlando for 3yrs. During that time, the Casey Anthony trial was underway, and it seemed like every time I turned the TV on, there was something being said about Casey, her missing child, updates in the case being brought against Casey, and etc. Then I'd get on facebook, and it wasn't uncommon at all to see that friends had written little tidbits on their profile,about their feelings on the Casey Anthony debacle. Part of me thought to myself that it was a waste of time for folks to engage in such talk. I mean, unless you're related to the Anthony's, or are their neighbors..or something like that, WHO CARES what you have to say about the issue... Right?!

The other part of me knew that human interest stories are called that for a reason. They somehow strike us to our core, and cause us to wonder how WE'D handle a matter, where we in the same boat. Or our humanity is moved, because of the depravity of such a case, and we're forced to reconcile within ourselves, that though there is MUCH that is good about us feeble humans, there can also be very dark, evil, and vile parts to us... and that children can be murdered, women raped, and men murdered. We find out about a young girl who'd been kidnapped as a child and lived for 18yrs in captivity... and it's all that we can do to wrap our minds around the matter.

WELL.. I was at work last night, backstage at Disney getting ready for our 2nd show of the night when my cast mates and I saw on the news that Coach Sandusky had been sent home, wearing an electronic ankle bracelet... and given house arrest while he awaits his trial. Almost every jaw in the room dropped. Honestly it took everything in me NOT to reveal the true emotions that were welling up on the inside of me.

HOUSE ARREST??? Are you friggin' KIDDIN' me?! My thoughts went every where as I tried to rationalize why such a sentence be given to the Coach... Finally it dawned on me. "Fame".  It is my personal opinion that the Coach's "name" and status... afforded him the luxury that the common man would not be.

Now...don't get me wrong. I'm a human rights BUFF... I believe in due process, that everyone should be treated equally in the eyes of the law, and that every one is indeed innocent until proven guilty. BUT... I also know that if a "normal" man, were awaiting trial for the same matter..... he'd be awaiting his trial in jail.

As a Christian my mind wrestles all of the time with the love of Christ... Thinking about Christ dying to reconcile us "NORMAL" heathens unto himself is hard to fully understand, but more and more I can start to somewhat understand it. AND I'm excited when I think about new converts... folks realizing that the Lord loves them, and yada yada yada...

However, when it comes to CHILD MOLESTER, or a murderer, or rapist... my mind reaches its limit...and I honestly have to WAR with myself...and remind myself that Christ died for them to, and that he has grace and mercy and understanding for them as well, and that HE would, that even they would see the error in their ways and come to his saving grace.... and THAT I'm learning to try to truly grasp..daily.

I want everyone to know and love, and be constantly changed by the I have been. But it REAAAALLY pisses me off to no end, knowing that an alleged child abuser gets the chance to go home and chill. Its a matter of principle, what's good for the goose should be good for the gander... I mean EQUALITY should be constant right?? If the "poor nobody" has to go to jail to await trial, shouldn't the rich, famous Coach?? Why should there be any difference? I KNOW that I'm not Nancy Grace, and that I don't have ALL of the facts, but we see this issue of all the time with celebrities... The Lindsay Lohans and Paris Hiltons... can be publicly drunk, wreck cars while being intoxicated on all SORTS of illegal substances, NOT show up for the court dates, and STILL be given the lightest sentence ever...along with chance after chance.... If given 40 days of community service, they can show up ONE DAY  for half an hour.... and it be said that they've "really learned their lesson".... it BOTHERS ME!

Coach Sandusky's case hit too closely to home for me. My family once had to endure a trial against a Child Molester. Mine. I was scared beyond my wits, even though I knew that my abuser was in jail before,during, and AFTER the trial. I can't imagine what the victims in this case, though they're mostly adults, are feeling at this moment. The law is supposed to protect us all, no matter what side of the card we find ourselves on. Victim,Defense, or Prosecution....

Like I said before, Coach Sandusky hasn't been found guilty of any crime... but while things are being sorted out, it's MY opinion, that he be treated like the common man.

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