Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Year,in Review

WOW... what an eventful year I've had this year. As it comes to a close my mind swims with wonder about what's ahead for me in the year ahead, AND recalls the moments that stick out from this year at present.

2011 was a year of great change and challenge for me. It began with me still living and working in Orlando, but knowing that in just a few months I'd be leaving my job, the city that I'd called home for nearly 3yrs, and returning back to Nashville, the city I'd previously called home for nearly 8. As the time approached for me to return to Nashville, a myriad of emotions welled up in my heart, at any given moment. I knew that I'd miss desperately the friends I had in Orlando, but I was excited to reconnect on a more consistent basis with the friends that I'd left when I moved to Florida in the first place. I was also nervous. Being gone from Nashville for so long meant that I'd return to a scene that had changed quite a bit. It also meant that I was going to have to start over in a sense... but that fact somewhat excited me. Nothing was concrete in my professional life... or really in any other way... so the fact that I'd get a chance to start over again was somewhat refreshing...albeit scary. The ONE thing that was solid, was that I was going to get a chance to start singing with Wynonna Judd again. It would be a few months after my re-relocation back to Nashville, before I'd have enough dates with The Judds that my finances wouldn't be an issue... BUT living in Nashville previously, taught me how to survive in between checks...and though it would be a slow beginning... I felt confident that the end result would be worth it. Lucrative even.

My friend Maurice Carter, who also sang with The Judds, had contacted me in 2010 and RElit the flame in my heart to record my own album, and promised to help me in every way that he could. I'd flown to Nashville a few times and had a few writing sessions with him, and I was very excited to get some recording done in 2011. When I first moved to Nashville in 2003 I had both management and recording contracts. 7 nearly 8 years later I'd still not recorded, and even though I didn't really notice while it was happening... I'd begun to give up on that dream. Maurice spoke life into my spirit... I was writing songs again with ease, and creating music almost nonstop... I GREATLY looked forward to getting that process of recording and creating, underway.

My move back to Nashville was in March, towards the end of March...almost April... It was a VERY difficult start.. But little by little, thanks to Maurice bringing me in on all of the session work that he could, and me contacting my other session singin' friends... I began to get more and more session work. So... I kept my eyes on the prize...even if I fussed and cussed a lot on the way. The Judds had several dates intermittently.... hopping on the tour bus with my good friend Maurice and the band was a BLAST!!! Maurice and I sang at the Pittsburgh Symphony with Wynonna, and even got to meet Marvin Hamlisch... a musical legend. Wynonna was late for sound check that event, so IIIII got to be her during sound check...which meant that I had to sing in front of all of those AMAZINGLY talented musicians, and Mr. Hamlisch himself. My stomach was in KNOTS... but I sang on.... And at the end of it all..Maurice and I took a picture with him, and he called us phenomenal.... It meant the WORLD to hear that from him.

A few months later, in June, friend Mo' left this earth. The sting of his death is STILL to much for my heart to take at times. He was like a big brother to me, a RIDICULOUSLY precious friend, and a mentor in the Faith. No one who knew him will ever forget him. No one to whom he gave his time and attention to will ever be alright with leaving their life at status-quo. It was  JOY to know him, and too much of a loss to explain, to lose him.

Maurice's passing got to Wynonna so...that without any notice, she "fired" me. And so... because I didn't have the funds that I needed to live as I was, I moved into my friend Julie's house. She and her family were going on a year long road trip, and allowed me to rent the house from them while they were away, for nearly free.... and SO, in the middle of heartbreak and loss, LOVE shone through my life. I saw the hand of God provide for me, like he ALWAYS has... but this time he did it in a way I never would have imagined.

In October I came back to Orlando for a seasonal contract at Disney, and tonight will be my last night working there for the holiday season.... 2011 is fast approaching and there are MANY unknowns about what lies ahead for me. But I hold fast to the remembrance of how God has taken care of me in years past... and in this last year. So, I will continue to walk on this path that God has set me on, and when the day suddenly turns to night...I will continue walking... Step by step... clinging to the hand of God... and allowing him to guide me. I don't know much... but I know that he's got great plans for me. Jer.29:11 told me so.

Happy New Year friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great Gabby. Good job and great thoughts. Your best is yet to come.
