Thursday, September 8, 2011

i was BORN for moments like this!

last night...our team traveled thru the day by train..and subway from the city of kyoto, Tokyo. it's always so funny to me how the "brain"...well honestly..i think its more of th For example after traveling all day...schlepping thru the heat thru downtown Tokyo....soundcheck, and then dinner....ALL of us were starting to feel the stress of the day...and our bodies worked overtime to let us was NOT time to minister to ANYBODY...but to go to bed....EEE-MEEEJITLY... SOON as the time came for us to lead Gods people in worship...bit by bit our fatigue faded from view in the forefront of our minds....and the MOST important thing in that moment was loving God...and loving his people.. Last nite..several old prophesies came to mind. Its been spoken over me for as long as i can recall, that God would allow my voice to take into the nations to win souls for Christ..and to spread the balm of his healing those who look NOTHING like me...and dont speak my language. Well...i've bee singing with and for those who look nothing like me for ions.... but going into the nations of the earth and doing altogether new.... its like i got to meet and hake hands with a slice of my purpose last nite... there were moments where the presence of God fell on me so...i though i would collapse... the most beautiful memory for me is when i was lmobbed" by a beatutiful group of little japanese children...ranging in age from 4 to abou 10. i said my spoken greeting to them...Konechewa...fully expecting our encounter to bebrief...since neiher of us could understand each other..but one little girl grabbed my hand...and began to say something in japanese over and over to me...i shook my head an said..."i'm sorry...i don't understand you" and then she pointed to herself and repeated....and then motioned for me.. i realized then that this sweet little girl who would not let go of my hand...was introducing herself.... "ooooooh" i said! "i'm ee-lee-see-yah" pointing to myself... a chuckle of relief went thru all 8of us gathered there....then one by one...sevral ALL of the children grabbed my one free hand (the 1st child was still holding my right one..and was now looking at my skin...and softly rubbing her hands over my skin) in that moment....another part of my purpose revealed itself to me..... To use love....not just any love...but CHRISTS love to unite this world. I may be speaking out of turn...but from the way that swwet child touched my thinking she'd never been fae to face with a black woman..much less touched one.... while omething was clicking in me.... i feel as if something clicked inside of her....and all the babies.... we are one. unified through Christ by his love for us! I honestly dont know if we'll EVER see each other again....on this side of heaven....but i KNOW we'll never forget that moment.....and the sun begins t rise the land of the rising sun..ive taken a moment to reflect...and honor God for allowing me to see with my own eyes...his prmises being fullfilled. I honestly don't think i'll ever "get over" that moment....or this whole trip.

Lovin' walkng in my purpose today. God Bless


  1. Awesome story. Thanks Lici, for sharing.

  2. thank YOU!! oh, i say it all the time, but you DO know your hubby's a rock star right?! you'd have been sooo proud!!!
